
Seeing people being invited to experience the kindness of God is at the heart of trypraying.

God is the God who acts in human life and human history. Prayer is not just an activity we do. It is communication with our creator and he invites us to ask of him. So, when a person prays the ‘weakest and wobbliest prayer’ God hears. So often the way prayer is answered not only meets the need of that individual but it brings such encouragement and faith to others when they hear about it. This is why we love hearing stories of what God has done and how situations and people have changed. Send us your story!

Changing Lives
The heart of it all, however, is to see people being invited to experience the kindness of God. Trypraying is an invitation for people to turn their lives towards God. Through the years, many stories have come back to us about people who started their journey with God by seeing one of our resources.

We invite you to read how others connected with God, and you may even see yourself in these stories.

Find out more about Changed Lives

Changing Communities
At the same time as hearing of individual accounts of how this small booklet has changed peoples lives throughout the years, we have also had the honour of seeing how God has changed communities and everyday circumstances through our booklet.

Please read our stories if you are searching for ideas of what other people have done in their communities.

Find out more about Changed Communities

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