We are near

Thank you!
December 2021

We are close.
People have been giving - some very generously - over the last two weeks since we wrote. As a result there is now the genuine possibility of advertising putting this simple trypraying invitation into the public space across all of Scotland as well as other places in the UK.

A bus advertising campaign in March/April in tandem with hundreds of churches making the invitation personal is in our sights. The scale of the campaign depends on what happens over the next week.

We are not wanting to be too Scotland-centric in this mailing because from Devon to Cumbia there are many places using trypraying. Nevertheless being so close to a ‘whole country’ campaign captures people’s imagination. Having the trypraying logo visible in almost every community is something people want to help make possible.

We need a further £13,000 to receive the full match-funding on offer. So for every £100 given it will be doubled. If you would like to join in this adventure then please donate. Go to www.thereishope.co.uk/donate or click the button below. The deadline for booking buses is 14th February and, because of demand, other advertisers are queueing up to book the spaces we have reserved. They will be released to them if we can’t firm up our booking very soon.

For an idea of costs, it is approximately £300 for a bus ‘Super-Side’ or £120 for a rear panel for 4 weeks. If we are given more money we can add in other media options to make a stronger campaign.
The heart of it all, however, is to see people being invited to experience the kindness of God. Trypraying is an invitation for people to turn their lives towards God. Let’s pray that happens. Pray too that churches will embrace the opportunity rather than miss it. Pray also that it is seen as a meaningful way for churches to demonstrate they are in this together - making Christ known.

Trypraying logo

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